Family, friends and loved ones are important to us all. They want what’s best for us, and we want the same for them in return.


If you’re a smoker, they might also be the motivation you need to make a change.

The smell of smoke can be unpleasant as it hangs in the air, lingering on clothes and hair. But it’s not just the smell, what’s in the smoke is what makes smoking so harmful, too – a fact that’s often misunderstood.


When a cigarette is lit, tobacco burns at a high temperature creating heat, light, ash, and smoke. This smoke contains high levels of harmful chemicals. 

man with his arm around woman's shoulders

“I quit cigarettes for something very important: my family.”

The best decision is always to quit, but many don’t. Adult smokers should have the facts they need to make informed decisions for themselves and their loved ones.


A better choice than continuing to smoke exists, and you can keep the ones you care about close to you and away from the smell of cigarettes, by going smoke-free for them.

couple embracing

Did you know?

The thing about smoke

Did you know that the most dangerous thing about smoking isn't nicotine. It's the smoke itself.

What about nicotine?

Nicotine is addictive and not free of risk, but smoke contains many harmful chemicals that primarily cause smoking related diseases like lung cancer. 

Quitting is the best choice

Quitting cigarettes and nicotine altogether is the best choice a smoker can make.

man carrying woman on his back